Welcome to SERVECARE


ServeSoul Limited is domiciliary care provider. As an organisation, we endevour to provider high standard, committed and tailored….Read More


Our cares will provide support with household and social activities. We also provide support to individuals with physical/learning…..Read More


Striving to improve the quality of care and support through continuing professional development……Read More


CQC National Professional Advisor, Rachel Griffiths awarded MBE

The Care Quality Commission’s Mental Capacity Act Lead, Rachel Griffiths, has been awarded an MBE for services to vulnerable people in the New Year’s Honours list.
Rachel has been at the CQC since 2013. Her role supports CQC in ensuring that the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) remains a key part of our strategy and policies, including our inspections. Also, Rachel represents us in working with external national bodies to help drive improvement in health and social care and she is part of the Leadership Group of the National Mental Capacity Forum.
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We are a registered service on Camden Care Choices. This is the Camden Council information and advice website for care and support for adults in Camden..

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